Common Mistakes Parents Make
Do you know these common mistakes parents make when it comes to problematic gaming? Watch the video below and then proceed to the worksheet.
Going forward pay attention to subtle (or not so subtle) accusations in your interactions with your gamer. Instead try adopting a more curious stance towards their gaming. Communicate your concern about behaviors rather than labeling them an “addict”.
Which risk factors apply to your gamer?
- Suffers from depression and/or anxiety
- Struggles with social situations/social anxiety
- Excessive academic demands
- High levels of day-to-day stress
- Having been or is being bullied
- Lives in a chaotic home environment
- Lives in a single parent home
- Tends towards impulsivity
- Difficulty self-regulating or managing emotions
- Low self-esteem
- Few face-to face friends or limited opportunity to interact
- Associates mostly with other gamers
- Minimal day-to day structure, routines and/or schedules
- Adolescent/Young adult male
- Little interest in or ability to develop other interests
- Little positive reinforcement in other areas of life
- Few real-world achievements
- Few rules or limits especially surrounding technology use
- History of trauma (interpersonal, emotional, events, medical)
- Porn use
Some questions to ask yourself:
- Do you often feel resentment towards your gamer?
- Do you struggle with figuring out consequences for broken rules?
- If your gamer oversteps your boundaries, do you follow through and enforce consequences without “giving in”?
- What’s the number one mistake you’re making with your gamer? It can be something not on our list.
- Now that you better understand what mistakes you might have been making, what will you do differently?
Reflection exercises like this will help you to better understand your situation, identify barriers to success and to make changes for the positive.
If you would like additional support check out our Reclaim parenting program or book a consultation with a professional by emailing [email protected].