Gaming Advice for Families

We’re here to help you reduce gaming problems and conflict over gaming.

Tools & Resources for the Gamer Generation

Gaming is a global phenomenon with billions of players around the world. Most teenagers play and a good chunk of adults do, too. Easy access to gaming and screens, combined with today’s hectic lifestyles, has left parents feeling overwhelmed and uncertain.

How much is too much? How do I help my child keep their gaming from becoming a problem? And what do I do to get a problem under control if it's become one?

At Game Quitters we understand your pain and frustration. We have been there too. It is our mission to support families with educational resources and coaching to reduce conflicts over gaming and build good gaming habits.

Start Here:

Need help immediately and don't know where to start?

Signs of a Gaming Problem

For some people, gaming is no longer a hobby and instead it has become a problem that is impacting different areas of their life such as their schoolwork, hygiene, employment and/or relationships.

If you are concerned that your loved one may have a gaming problem, consider the warning signs below and reach out for help.

  • Does the individual struggle to limit or balance their time?
  • Has the individual lost interest in other hobbies?
  • Is the individual being deceptive or lying about their play?
  • Is the individual continuing to play despite negative impact?


Every family and situation is unique and benefits from a personal touch. At Game Quitters our coaching philosophy is practical and provides you with measurable results and immediate impact.

How to Get Help and Support

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Family Program

Our signature family program Reclaim is a proven method to reduce gaming problems and conflict within your family.

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Personal Support

Our coaching philosophy is practical and provides you with measurable results and immediate impact.

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Peer Support

Connect with other parents and loved ones learning to navigate the gamer generation in our free Facebook group.


"What if my gamer doesn't want help?" No sweat! This is more common than not and our programs and coaching will support your family to improve communication, reduce conflict, and motivate your loved one to participate.

Featured Articles


Back to School

It's that time of year again! Summer is over and it's time to get your kids ready for a successful academic year.

Read our guide to Back to School: Gaming & Screen Time which contains practical tips for parents.

back to school gaming

Screen Time Guidelines

We live in a tech centric world with screens at the forefront of our lives. Our children need access to screens for school and work, and to socialize with friends.

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's crucial for your family to have a plan. Our Screen Time Guidelines by Age will equip you to manage screen time in your family.

Esports is competitive gaming. In many ways, it's similar to traditional sports and is also incredibly popular amongst gamers.

Inspiration & Stories

Elaine Uskoski

Elaine Uskoski

There is nothing that terrifies a parent more than the thought of losing a child. For Elaine that fear almost became her reality when she discovered that her son Jake was addicted to video gaming.

Katrina Kenison

Katrina Kenison

Katrina's son Jack was an engaged, active high school student who enjoyed playing guitar. But along the way his fascination with video games turned into a nightmare.

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More Stories

Be inspired by thousands of gamers and families who have managed to improve their lives after struggling with a video game addiction.