Your Loved One’s Phone Use is Casual

Thank you for taking this quiz.

My name is Cam Adair and I’m the founder of Game Quitters.

I understand how you feel because I was once addicted to technology, too. My addiction was to video games and it caused me to drop out of high school. I was playing video games up to 16 hours a day! I even pretended to have jobs.

Although my problem was with video games, since then I’ve become an expert on technology and phone addiction and I have helped thousands of families to help to overcome phone addiction as well.

cam adair
Published in Psychiatry Research
Published in Behavioral Addiction
“One of Canada’s 150 Leading Canadians in Mental Health” -CAMH

Should you be worried?

Casual phone use means your loved one could be using their phone for several hours a day, but their life is generally in order. They use their phone normally, but they’re not sacrificing their life for it.

Your loved one will still fulfill their responsibilities for the day. They will still go to school or work and engage with the family at home. They have real-life friends, other hobbies and interests, and take care of the basics like their hygiene.

They may want to use their phone more… but tantrums are not common when they can’t, and their phone use isn’t impacting their ability to function as a normal human being. You may feel like they aren’t reaching their full potential, but we all need something to relax at the end of the day. As long as they keep it in control, it’s not a bad thing.

Watch out for these red flags:

If you are reading this and realizing your loved one is has casual phone use, then just keep an eye on it and make sure you aren’t seeing any of these red flags:

Being irritable or moody when they can’t use their phone
Constantly needing to use it more and more (“it’s never enough”)
Losing interest in other activities (e.g. sports, exercise)
Being deceptive (e.g. stealing money to buy things on their phone)
Jeopardizing school, work, and/or relationships (in order to be on their phone)

These are important red flags to be aware of and if you begin to notice them appearing more regularly you will want to take action sooner than later.

Prevent the problem from getting worse:

Here are two resources I want to gift you…

1. Watch this video to learn more about how to cure screen time issues:

2. Our Free Digital Parenting Facebook Community on what you can do to prevent screen time from becoming a problem.

Worried your loved one does have a phone use problem? Then apply to work with us in our coaching programs.

In the meantime, keep an eye on your email for those resources and more to come soon.

I hope you have found this helpful.

– Cam