Featured Webinar

Overcoming Denial: How to help your gamer accept that they have a problem.

Hosted by Nadja Streiter


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Overcoming Denial, with Nadja Streiter

How to help your gamer accept that they have a problem.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • Exactly why your gamer is in denial, even if the problem seems obvious to you as a parent
  • The role of shame and stigma as a barrier to change
  • How to start conversations about their gaming addiction the right way
  • How to connect more as a family and reduce conflict and tension in your home

Effective Boundaries, with Nadja Streiter

How to create and maintain effective boundaries with your gamer

In this webinar you will learn:

  • What effective boundaries are (and are not)
  • Why parents struggle to set boundaries (and how to change it)
  • How to avoid being that parent who 'enables' poor behavior
  • How to reduce boundary violations and reduce tension with your gamer
Cam Adair

Gaming & Social Media in College, with Cam Adair

How students can maintain healthy tech habits in college.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The distinction between healthy and unhealthy tech use
  • Practical strategies to prevent gaming and social media overuse issues
  • The impact of COVID19 on tech use habits

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NEW: 3 Secrets of Gaming Addiction