How to Delete Your Genshin Impact Account
If you’re looking to quit playing Genshin Impact, then the best way to start is to delete your Genshin Impact account.
When you want to play Genshin Impact on any platform, you’ll first need to create an account. And once you want to stop playing, you can also delete your account if you request its deletion.
Genshin Impact is a popular game available across different platforms, including Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
The good news about deleting your Genshin Impact account is that you only need to delete your account once, even if you have it connected to different platforms at the same time.
The steps of deleting your Genshin Impact are quite simple. Just follow them and you’ll get it done in no time.
Step by Step Instructions to Delete Your Genshin Impact Account
Step 1: Log in to Your Account
The first step is to go to the Genshin Impact website and log in to your account.
Simply enter your credentials when you’re asked and you’ll be logged in to your account where you can start making changes.
Step 2: Go to Your Account Settings
The next step is to click on your account and go to account settings. You can do that by clicking the name of your account in the top right corner of your screen.
Hover with your mouse over your account’s name and then click on Account.
A separate page will now open where you might need to log in to your account again to access the settings of your account.
If you’re prompted to log in again, just enter your credentials again to proceed to the next step.
Step 3: Go to Account Security Settings and Delete
Next, you’ll see that the account management portal will open. On this site, you’ll be able to manage your account and change its settings.
You are interested in the deletion of the account, so the next step for you will be to click on the “Account Security Settings” tab on this screen.
Under this tab, you should be able to see the “Delete Account” button on the bottom right corner of your screen. Click that button to proceed.
Step 4: Verify Your Account and Complete Deletion
The last step of the deletion process will be to verify your account through the verification code you’ll receive on your email account connected to this Genshin Impact account.
When this screen opens for you, click on “Send code”. After that, you should receive the verification code through your email address connected to the account. Enter that verification code and click Next.
The last step will be to confirm the deletion of your account, which you can do by clicking on “Ok” in the last window.
This is the complete process of deleting your Genshin Impact account. After you have requested the deletion of your account, you’ll still be able to reactivate your account by logging into the account. After 30 days, your account will be fully deleted.
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