We’re Partnering with E.P.I.C. to Build a Third Clean Water Well in Tanzania

Game Quitters has partnered with E.P.I.C. (Everyday People Initiating Change) to build a third clean water well in Tanzania, Africa.


In July 2018 I will be heading to Tanzania to oversee the project and ensure it’s a success. Below you will find the full details of the trip, including why it’s important and what the impact will be.

I just want to quickly say how excited I am, and that this is another step closer to fulfilling the vision we have for Game Quitters – to bring a community of people together to make a positive difference in the world.

We need your support to make it happen, so click here to support our mission of bringing clean water to Tanzania.

Last year’s video:

Why I’m involved:

For the past two years I have had the honor of going to Tanzania, Africa to build a clean water well with E.P.I.C. (Everyday People Initiating Change). Together as a community we have raised over $10,000!

While I have been there I have seen with my very own eyes the reality of their situation, and the importance of giving them access to clean drinking water. Without it, certain sickness, and possible death. (Charity Water reports 4,500 children die every day from water-related illnesses.)

Seeing the very real, and meaningful impact this work has, I knew we had to do it again this year. Will you join me? Pledge your support here.

What’s the impact?

Imagine waking up this morning to brush your teeth, but instead of turning on a faucet with safe and clean water to use, you dump your toothbrush in a bucket full of bacteria, mosquitoes and dirt.

That’s the reality of 1.1 billion people in the world who do not have access to safe and clean water. Contaminated water isn’t just gross, it also leads to diarrhea, the leading cause of child death in the world. More people die each year from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.

We have the power to change this!

Each well provides water for about 500 people for 20 years, and we’ll also provide hygiene and sanitation education to the youth and women of the village in order to help ensure the projects sustainability.

This will make a real and lasting difference for people who deserve our support.

All donations will go directly to E.P.I.C. for the water well, including materials, testing, labor, implementation, training and maintenance.

A tax deductible receipt is available for the first $3,000 pledged.

Powerful Leadership:

On a personal level, this trip will help me become a better leader, to further my mission of positively impacting 10 million people in the next three years through Game Quitters.

We can’t do it alone and we need your support! Together we can make a difference.

Give clean water by clicking Donate Now.

Thank you for your support!

P.S. If you want to contribute, but “don’t have any money”, consider the example Euls set by selling his in-game skins in order to pledge $35. *If you are underage please consult with your parents first!*


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