How to Grow and Expand Your Social Circle

After you quit you start to realize all of your friends are gamers, and you don’t have much in common with them anymore, but how do you grow and expand your social circle outside of gamers? Find out:

In my last article I shared a key mindset you need to have in order to make new friends and improve your social skills. Today what I want to share how you can shape your environment with intention and how this will contribute to empowering you forward.

One of the biggest differences in my life since I’ve quit gaming is surrounding myself by people who inspire me and push me to be better. When I first quit this wasn’t something I knew how to do and I’ve spent the last seven years learning how to do exactly that.

Who you surround yourself with is super important if you’re serious about starting to live your life to the fullest.

When you were gaming you were doing this, you found other likeminded players to hang out with and learn from and you separated yourself from those that didn’t. So now that you’ve quit, you want to apply this same mindset your life. Find those who are likeminded and help you be better, and distance yourself from those that don’t.

Over the years I’ve done a bunch of different things to try and improve my environment and I’ll share those in a minute but the most important thing I’ve learned is that before you do anything else you need to decide who you want to be. You have to decide what your values are, and who you want to surround yourself with.

Write down three values you want in your environment. For me, that’s people who are into personal development, making themselves better, I want to be around people who are kind and compassionate to others, and I want to be around people who are taking ownership of creating the life they want, so that groups would be like entrepreneurs.

Now that I know this, I can start finding the kind of environments where these type of people hang out. Things like events, seminars, conferences, meetups, etc.

If you don’t know who you’re looking for you’ll never find them, so if you want to surround yourself by people who will help you be more successful, you need to identify who they are and where they hang out.

Some of the conferences I’ve been to are The Higher Purpose Project, Burning Man, StartingBloc, Tony Robbins Unleash The Power Within, MB Adventures and many more.

The best part is that when you’re in a room full of people that you share things in common with it’s super easy to start conversations because you already have things in common.

So what you want to do is find at least one event each week that you can go to, and then go each week because it will help people begin to recognize you as a regular and that makes it easier to meet people.

Finally there’s one last step you want to take, and it’s hosting your own events. This is a big lesson I’ve learned a few times, but the reason it works is because there are so many people that have a desire to hang out with other likeminded people but they don’t have the courage to organize it themselves.

So when you take responsibility to bring people together you’ll be blown away at how easy it is to meet other likeminded people, because not only can you invite people you’re meeting on a daily basis to come, but they will also bring friends and the event will grow over time.

Surrounding myself by people that inspire me and make me better has been something I’ve taken so seriously that I’ve even moved to a new country to live in a community full of likeminded people.

So remember, be intentional to choose who you want to be around, next find one event each week you can go to to meet these kind of people and make sure you go each week. Finally, start hosting your own events and bring people together.

I hope that helps and if you’re serious about working on these skills in your life, I want you to take the Game Quitters Challenge. This is a 30 day challenge I’ve designed intentionally with the latest scientific research to help you become the type of person you want to be, by developing skills in Courage, Discipline, Social Intelligence, Contribution and Tenacity.

It’s definitely my best work yet and I know you’ll get a ton of value from it. Take the challenge here.

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