How to Stop Arguing About Video Games
Are you exhausted from arguments over your teenager’s gaming? Read our guide below on how to stop arguing:
Have you ever asked them to come for dinner… only to hear “one more minute!?”
We all know what happens next:
One minute turns into two, and then ten, and then twenty, and now your simple request for them to join the family for dinner has turned into a full blown fight.
You’re tired of nagging them to do basic things. They are a teenager, and you have become a babysitter.
If you’ve experienced any of the above, then this article is for you.
Not only will the strategy I share help you stop arguments, but it will also help you build rapport – which is important to help your teen reduce their gaming and get their life back on track.
Video Game Addiction Quiz for Parents
Two Options to Reduce Gaming
- Remove their access
- Enroll them in making positive changes
If you are going with the latter then building rapport is essential. Rapport creates trust, and trust creates leverage. Leverage creates the opportunity for transformation.
The easiest way to build more rapport is to learn more about why they game. This is step one to stop arguing.
I want you to learn more about the specific games they play, and how these games operate.
When you understand the games your teenager plays, it shows them you understand their world. This increases your credibility and will help you be viewed as an ally – someone on their team – instead of an adversary who ‘just doesn’t get it‘.
It will also help you navigate requests like for them to join you for dinner. For instance, did you know that most games have ‘natural pauses’ built into the game? This means there are opportunities in the game for your teenager to save the game, and not lose their progress.
Why Arguments Happens Over Dinner
The reason you meet so much resistance when you ask your son or daughter to come for dinner is because they are likely in a part of the game where they are unable to quit without losing progress. Or worse, if they are playing with other players (which most of them do), if they leave in the middle of the game, they ruin it for everyone else.
When games are a way to gain social status and prestige, ruining the game for everyone else is social suicide. Compare that to having one more argument with their parents – who don’t get it anyways – and you can see why it’s easy for them to justify their gaming.
Their reputation amongst their peers is far more important – no offense.
To stop arguing, learn more about the games they play and how they operate. Are they playing a game where they play ‘matches’ with other players? This means there is a battle and usually, set time limit to the game. Let’s say that time limit is 30 minutes.
You know dinner is coming up so you let them know after this match they need to save the game and stop playing so they can come for dinner. Otherwise, if you ask them to come for dinner in the middle of the match you will meet a lot of resistance.
And you can let them know that if they do start a new game then you will be turning off the wifi and they will lose their progress, and it will make them look bad in front of their peers. You let them know that you know how the game works.
The clearer your communication, the better chance you have to stop arguing over gaming.
Practical Steps to Stop Arguing
So how do you learn more about the types of games they play, and how these games operate?
First, ask them what games they play. What are they called? Do they play against other players? Do they have matches? How do the games work?
Next, you want to type the name of the game into YouTube with ‘gameplay’. For instance, if they play League of Legends, type ‘League of Legends gameplay’ or ‘League of Legends walkthrough’. There are thousands of videos on YouTube that will show you the game and how they operate. Look for if they have natural pauses, or ‘matches’.
Related: Parents Guide to Fortnite Addiction
Finally, next time you’re getting dinner ready, or you have another request for them, implement this advice. Ask them if they are in the middle of the match and how long it will take. Let them know they need to save the game at the end and they can come back to it later. Help them avoid losing their progress or social status. It will be a war to win that battle otherwise.
Although this trick will work well for a lot of parents, everyone’s situation is different, and if you feel their gaming is completely out of control, you may need to focus more on removing their access all together. Doing so requires sensitivity to the situation, and I always recommend to do so with the support of a professional.
Join our Support Group for Parents on Facebook for more support.
To learn more about video game addiction and how to reclaim your teenager or young adult, grab my parent’s guide.