The Secret About Quitting Games

Today I’m going to share the secret about quitting video games, and the secret is this:

To quit gaming has a lot less to do about video games and a lot more about who you are and who you become in the process of moving on from games.

So often when we quit gaming we focus so much on the games themselves and honestly this isn’t really about video games, it’s about who you are and the current place that your life is.

So when you go to quit gaming and you go through the 90 day detox, that process is actually a 90 day process for you to expand yourself.

When you quit gaming you get so concerned about things like:

  • Are you going to be bored?
  • How are you going to deal with boredom?
  • What are you going to do with all of your time?
  • What about all of these friends that you have and losing all of them?
  • What about your sense of identity?

All of these things have a lot more to do with your own personal development than games.

Think about it like this:

  • Do you really want to be someone who is so concerned about whether or not they’re going to be able to make new friends that they continue to game just to avoid that?
  • Do you really want to be someone who is so concerned about being bored that you continue to game just to avoid that?

That’s not really the place that I wanted to be any longer, so I decided to quit gaming and expand myself and become the person that I wanted to be.

So when you go to quit gaming you want to focus a lot less on the games themselves and a lot more about expansion.

You need to become the type of person who can be bored and be fine, who can go out there and make new friends and be fine, who can find a new sense of purpose and new passions and be fine.

When you start to see it from this perspective, you stop focusing on the little things and instead you focus on how that exact obstacle in your way, that exact moment where you’re bored or you’re lonely is exactly what you need to go through to expand and grow.

It’s like when you go to the gym.

You’re a little bit sore after, your muscles are sore, but that’s because your muscles are growing.

Quitting games is no different and your own personal development is no different.

If it’s going a bit tough right now, if you’re having a bit of a hard time, that’s exactly what you need to go through to expand.

So let me ask you:

Who do you need to become? What’s one trait or quality of who you are that you’re looking to improve after you quit gaming? Share that in the comments below.

If you’re still gaming and you are ready to quit, commit to your 90 day detox today and grab a copy of Respawn to help you with it.

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