130 Teen Slang Words and Phrases Decoded
If you are the parent of teens – or work with young people – you may feel alienated from their world due to the words and phrases they use. Every generation has its unique expressions but today’s youth seem to have more teen slang than ever before, mainly due to the minefield of texting acronyms. They use these terms as shorthand, to express emotions and to create a sense of community with peers.
Many of the words and phrases are fun and harmless but others can be toxic and mask risky behavior. It’s helpful for adults to know what teens are saying – even if they don’t intend for you to understand – in order to break down communication barriers. When you know what their jargon means, you can engage with them more easily and look for warning signs that they are struggling and may need support.
Although there are some words and phrases used by youth across the world, slang is not universal. Expressions may vary from country to country and culture to culture. So, what are some teenage sayings in 2022? We have created a slang dictionary to help you decode the most widely-used terms.
A-Z of the most popular teen slang words and acronyms
Here are some of the most common teen slang words and acronyms explained. Many of them are used by gamers when playing video games or streaming.
AF — as f**k
AFK — away from keyboard, meaning the person is unavailable
And I oop — surprise, shock or embarrassment
And that’s on [something] — to show something is final and needs no further discussion
Anime – TV shows and movies inspired by Japanese animation
ASL — age/sex/location
Awks — short for awkward
Bae — before anyone else; a significant other or term of endearment (like babe)
Basic — used to describe someone or something that is mainstream or unoriginal
Bet — an affirmative reply: “Wanna hang out?” “Bet.”
Bih — abbreviation of b*tch
Body count — number of people someone has slept with
Boujee — aspiring to have higher social status
Breadcrumbing — sending occasional flirtatious messages to someone without putting in much effort
Bruh — another way of saying bro; used to address someone
Bussin’ — when something is really good
Cake — another word for bottom
Cappin’ — lying
CEO of [something] — someone is the best at something
Cheugy — someone who is uncool or trying too hard to be trendy
Clout — a person’s follower count or influencer status
Code 9 — warning that parents are around
Cursed — something that is creepy or unsettling
Cringe — someone or something that makes you feel awkward or embarrassed
Daddy — a dominant (usually older) man who conveys a sense of power
Ded — something really funny or outrageous
Dope — cool or awesome
Drip / Dripping —as in dripping with money, style or confidence
DTF — down to f**k, meaning someone is willing to have a short-term sexual relationship
E-boy / E-girl — young men and women who spend a lot of time online
Enby — short for non-binary
Extra — trying too hard, being over dramatic
Facts — agreed
Fam — close friends
FBOI — f**k boy, a male looking for sex
Finsta — fake Instagram account (sometimes hidden from parents)
FOMO — fear of missing out
Fire — amazing or exciting
Flex — show off
FWB — friends with benefits
Gas — marijuana; or to describe something that’s great
Ghosting — when someone ignores you for no apparent reason
Goals — something desirable that you want or aspire to
GOAT — greatest of all time
GTG — got to go
Gucci — fashionable or cool
Hentai — graphic anime pornography (Japanese cartoon characters having sex)
High key — intense and out in the open (the opposite of low key)
Hits different — when something is better than normal due to different circumstances
ILY — I love you
I’m dead — something that’s so funny you could die laughing
In my feels — strong emotional reaction to something
IRL — in real life
ISO — in search of
IYKYK — if you know you know (implying there’s an inside joke)
JK — just kidding
Juul — vape device that’s small and discreet
Karen — demanding or entitled woman
KMS — kill myself
KYS — kill yourself
Left on read — when someone has read but not replied to a message
Lit — exciting or excellent; can also mean being drunk
LMAO — laughing my ass off
LMP — like my picture, like my post or like my profile
LOL — laughing out loud
Low key — have a low profile; or keep something secret
Meal — someone who looks attractive and appealing
Mood — relatable feeling or situation
Mutuals — people who follow and engage with each other on social media
Netflix and chill — euphemism for sexual activity
NGL — not gonna lie
No cap — saying that someone isn’t lying
NP — no problem
NSA — no strings attached
Okurrr — ok but with more sassiness
OFC — of course
Ok boomer — calling out an idea that’s out of touch, like a parent who doesn’t know tiktok slang
OMFG — oh my f**king god
Periodt (the t is silent) — conversation over, there’s no more to discuss
Plug — someone who can access hard-to-find items such as drugs
PMOYS — put me on your story or put me on your Snapchat
ROTFLMAO — rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
Salty — to be bitter or irritated about something
Same — I feel the same
SH — sh** happens
Shade — expression of contempt for or disgust with someone
Ship — short for a romantic relationship
Shook — to be in shock
Sis — short for sister but can be used to address close friends
Skeet — to ejaculate
Smash — to have sex
SMDH / SMH — shaking my damn head / shaking my head – meaning you don’t approve of something
Snack — an attractive person
Snapstreak — when friends message each other via Snapchat on consecutive days, creating a streak
Snatched — amazing, attractive or well styled
Spam — fake social media account; or unwanted messages
Squad — close group of friends
Stan — excessively devoted fan
STFU — shut the f**k up
Sus — short for suspicious
Swoop — getting a ride from someone
TBH — to be honest
Tea / Spill the tea — gossip
TDTM — talk dirty to me
Thicc — attractive, full-figured body
TF — the f**k, used to express disgust or disbelief
Thank you, next — when something useful has passed
Thirsty — need for approval or attention
Thot — that ho over there, often used instead of slut or whore
Throw shade — criticise someone
Totes — totally
Trash — something that is bad or unacceptable
TT2T — too tired to talk
Turnt/Turnt up — excited, wild and crazy, often with the help of drugs or alcohol
V — very
Vibing — chilling and hanging out alone or with others, sometimes listening to music
VSCO girl — a style characterized by crop tops, scrunchies and white Vans, an avid user of the VSCO photo editing app
WAP — wet-ass p*ssy
Woke — politically or socially conscious
WTF — what the f**k?
WYA — where (are) you at?
WYD — what (are) you doing?
Yaaasss — a very definite yes
Yeet — exclamation of excitement or approval, or to throw something very hard and fast
YK – you’re kidding
Zaddy — attractive, fashionably-dressed man
420 — marijuana
Want to understand more about teen slang? Read our guide on how the emojis teens use can have underlying meanings. You can also learn more common slang terms on platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram and Roblox.