Snapchat Slang Explained – from AMOS to WYLL
New Snapchat slang words and acronyms are appearing all the time. Working out what they mean can feel like a minefield for parents trying to keep their kids safe online. And some Snapchat slang spills into video game chat such as Roblox.
As experts in gaming and technology, we’ve put together a helpful list of the most popular terms including PU, SB, MK and ISTG.
20 popular Snapchat terms and acronyms
So, what are some slangs on Snapchat? This guide to Snapchat slang is not exhaustive. We have based it on the top 20 questions we’re most asked by parents trying to decipher what their kids are saying on the app. Some of the terms are unique to Snapchat, while others are used across multiple social media sites such as TikTok and Instagram. We’ve listed them alphabetically to help you find what you need quickly and easily.
What does AMOS mean on Snapchat?
Add Me On Snapchat. Used to ask other people to add you to their contacts.
What does ASL mean on Snapchat?
Age Sex Location. Used to ask for someone’s personal details. We strongly advise against providing this information.
What does ESB mean on Snapchat?
Everyone Snap Back. It’s a request to everyone who sees it to send a snap to the user to maintain Snapstreaks – the number of days two people have snapped each other. Snapstreaks are commonly linked to Snapchat addiction.
What does FFF mean on Snapchat?
Follow For Follow. Another user will follow you if you follow them back.
What does HMU mean on Snapchat?
Hit Me Up. This is an invitation for someone to get in touch. For example, ‘HMU tomorrow’.
What does HRU mean on Snapchat?
How Are You? Widely used on other social platforms as well as Snapchat.
What does ION mean on Snapchat?
In Other News. Used to change the topic of conversation when messaging.
What does ISTG mean on Snapchat?
I Swear To God. Often used at the start or end of a sentence to emphasize a point.
What does LMS mean on Snapchat?
Like My Status. It is commonly used to encourage engagement from other users. Alternative meanings are Last Man Standing and Let Me See.
What does MK mean on Snapchat?
Mmm Ok. When said quickly it sounds like ‘Mmm Kay’ hence MK. Generally used to agree with a comment but sometimes can express an element of doubt.
What does NRS mean on Snapchat?
No Replies. Used to let others know that someone will be offline and unable to send snaps for a while. It is sometimes abbreviated to NR.
What does PU mean on Snapchat?
Pop Up. Used to ask someone to send a message or start a chat.
What does SB mean on Snapchat?
Snap Back. Another user is asking you to reply to their snap.
What does SB for Streak mean on Snapchat?
Snap Back for Streak. Another user is asking for a picture to maintain a Snapstreak.
What does SCM mean on Snapchat?
Snapchat Me. Used to keep a conversation going or to move onto Snapchat from another social media site.
What does SMO mean on Snapchat?
Serious Mode On. Used when someone is posting something in a non-jokey way. Another meaning is Shout Me Out which is used to request a shout out on Snapchat.
What is a snap score on Snapchat?
A snap score shows how much someone has been using the app. The higher the score, the more snaps they have sent.
What does SNR mean on Snapchat?
Streaks and Recents. The list of people a user has most recently chatted with on Snapchat.
What does WTM mean on Snapchat?
What’s The Move? Used to ask what others are planning or doing. For example, ‘WTM tonight?’
What does WYLL mean on Snapchat?
What You Look Like? This question should be a red flag because if someone doesn’t know what another user looks like, it means they don’t know them in real life. Sharing personal photos or videos with strangers on Snapchat is potentially risky.
Other online slang guides for parents
We’ve compiled a series of guides to slang terms, acronyms, hashtags and emojis used by teens on other social media platforms:
- Teen slang words and phrases decoded
- Emoji slang meanings explained
- Common drug slang emojis
- Common anime and manga terms explained
Need help for your child?
If you’re concerned about your child’s social media or gaming habits, expert support is available. At Game Quitters we have coaching programs, resources and forums to help your child regain balance in their life, and feel more motivated, inspired and productive.
Limited spots are available on our 12-week coaching programs. Book a call to apply.