How to Delete Your Twitch Account
To say Twitch has taken the world of gaming by storm would be an understatement. What was once a fairly unknown streaming platform, has turned into a service regularly used by more than 50% of gamers while they play. Did you know 350 billion minutes of Twitch were watched in 2017 alone?
It’s inevitable, then, that while the majority of people are using the platform effectively, there are some people having problems. I know that once I’m in the Twitch rabbit hole, it’s not difficult for me to spend 40+ hours a week watching live streams. For individuals they even develop an addiction to twitch.
As a result, I created this guide on how to delete your Twitch account and help you take back control over your free time once and for all.
Step by Step to Delete Your Twitch Account
Step 1 – Go to Twitch Settings
Log on to Twitch, click your profile in the top right and head over to the “settings” page.
Step 2 – Disable Twitch Account
On the settings page, scroll to the bottom and click “Disable Account”.
Step 3 – Confirm Twitch Account Deletion
Finally, just click the button to confirm the account deletion process and that’s it. You’re all done!
The process of deleting your Twitch account is a lot simpler than most programs out there, with no waiting for support or endless confirmation boxes.
What are you going to do with all this free time now that Twitch has left your life? Check out our hobby tool to find out more! Also be sure to delete your Reddit account if it is also causing you problems.